for manufacturers

Manufacturer Websites Before & After


Most manufacturers lack the time and expertise to maintain a Manufacturer Website that successfully generates results!

Driven Digital

Does Your Manufacturer Website Need Redesigned?

A weak Manufacturer Website will make your competitor's website look strong. This means that you are probably losing clients, deals and partnerships.

Potential customers are not going to give your manufacturing company the time of day, if your website is trapped in the 1990s!

To enhance your online presence as a manufacturer, your web pages should be interesting and engaging to your particular target audience. Websites for Manufacturers need to successfully capture the audience's attention in a matter of seconds. Therefore, you will need a solid website with an innovative design, properly representing your company and your manufactured products and services. In doing so, your Manufacturer Website is going to continuously generate traffic, which increases your chances of converting quality leads into trusted manufacturing customers.

Before After

What Is Missing?

Mobile Compatibility

Essentially, a large percentage of website traffic will come from a mobile device. With that being said, it is vital that Websites for Manufacturers have mobile compatibility.

Your potential customers are more likely to make a purchase from your website, when they can easily access and navigate your web pages on a mobile device.

Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

Do your web pages clearly tell people where to go? Do your potential customers know how to purchase your manufactured product or service?

When Websites for Manufacturers do not have a clear and prominently displayed call-to-action (CTA), users will bounce off your site and exit instantaneously. However, your website visitors will be compelled to learn more about your manufacturing company and what you have to offer, if there is an enticing CTA to properly guide them.


Does your website messaging distinctively clarify what your company manufactures?

Your audience should be able to answer the following 3 questions within five seconds of viewing your manufacturer website:

  1. What product or service is offered?
  2. How does it make my life better?
  3. How can I get it?

Clear & Straightforward Navigation

If your website visitors cannot find what they are searching for on your web pages, they will not be able to find a solution to their problem.

Websites for Manufacturers should have clear and straightforward navigation, in order to significantly improve a user's experience. Users do not want to feel like they are lost when they are browsing through your web pages.

For instance, your products and services should be quickly noticed and easily accessible on your website. Potential buyers want to be able to simply access the particular product or service that they are interested in. As a result, it is vital that your manufactured products and services are properly categorized and organized in your website's navigation menu.

User-Friendly Web Design

No one likes to feel lost!

It should be easy for users to find what they are searching for on your manufacturer website. In addition to that, your website visitors need to be familiar with where they are at, when they are browsing through your web pages.

A web design with an overall clearness of excess clutter is going to significantly improve the experience that users have on your website.


Digital accessibility is vital to the success of your online presence, as a manufacturer.

Websites for Manufacturers should be simply accessible, as well as ADA compliant. ADA compliance is known as equality, thought and consideration for all individuals online. In doing so, you can guarantee accurate functionality for every user on the internet.

Optimized Web Pages

Research indicates that around 91% of users on the internet are not going to search any further than the very first page of search results.

Do not let your website get buried in the search engine results pages (SERPs)!

Properly optimizing your web pages for search engines will help your potential customers discover your manufacturing company online more easily. SEO for Manufacturers, or search engine optimization, is a precise process that is going to boost your search engine ranking. By improving your search engine ranking, you will generate more organic traffic and enhance your online visibility.

Expertise, Credibility, Trust & Authority

Being in the manufacturing industry, your customers will typically navigate through a more lengthy buyer's journey, as they gain a sense of trust with your company.

Continuously providing relevant and quality manufacturing content, that your audience is specifically interested in, will make you an expert in the industry.

Manufacturer Websites that are up-to-date, relevant, informative, educational and more visually appealing will build relationships with an audience and, ultimately, obtain trust, credibility and authority in the manufacturing industry.

Driven Digital

What We Offer

Over the years, we have analyzed thousands of websites and built hundreds of Websites for Manufacturers. In that time, we have precisely developed a website building system that systematizes the process and ensures quality results time after time.

We provide website strategies that help manufacturers and industrial service providers successfully grow their business.

Our 4-Step Process for Manufacturer Websites

01. Plan: Website Analysis & Strategy

We will thoroughly analyze your business's needs, so that we can develop a high-impact website strategy and build a successful Manufacturer Website that distinguishes you from the competition.

02. Do: Implement The Website Plan

Our website development process involves implementing the latest and most advanced website functionality. Not only that, but we will also establish a credible online presence that your customers can trust, in accordance with the plan specifications.

03. Check: Testing, Inspection & Checklists

We will scrutinize your new Manufacturer Website with our proven Quality Assurance procedures, which will guarantee excellent performance and reliability.

04. Act: Website Launch, Post-Launch Checklists & Training

Our engineers will initiate the launch sequence, following proven protocols, so that your Manufacturer Website has the best customer experience that is possible.

Manufacturer Websites